Amazing Formula Reloaded
Your Instructor

The King of Step by Step Internet Marketing
Course Curriculum
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after you enroll
MODULE 1: HTM -- Hungry Target Markets: Brainstorm 5 potential target audiences, select one and post in the FB group
Available in
after you enroll
StartResult You Want To Get and Post to t he Group With This HTM Module
StartMust Watch (32:03)
StartHungry Target Market Intro (important) (14:23)
StartProcess 1: The Back End Process (19:08)
StartProcess 2: Sullivan Circles (21:23)
StartProcess 3: Porter's 5 Forces (25:44)
StartProcess 4: Social-Economtic-Technological Circles (15:17)
StartProcess 5: Sandfordizing (28:43)
StartProcess 6: The SWOT (27:01)
StartProcess 7: Hyper Targeting (30:14)
StartProcess 8: The Pumpkin Plan (14:17)
StartProcess 9: Color Coding System (52:18)
StartProcess 10: The bracketing process (5:35)
StartBONUS: Using Pinterest to get niche ideas (11:40)
StartBONUS: Book Reviews Related To HTM (12:10)
StartBONUS: HTM In Action -- Practical Examples (31:05)
StartBONUS: Q & A Call -- Hungry Target Market (53:22)
StartBONUS: 3 "Must Have" Buckets of Product Creation
StartBONUS: Color Grid Excel File | Google Spreadsheet
StartEnd of Module Survey About Your Hungry Target Market -- Please Respond
MODULE 2: HPO -- Hot Product Opportunity: Develop a list of 10 "Introductory Offer" ideas and select one to start with and post in the FB group
Available in
after you enroll
StartResult You Want To Get and Post to t he Group With This HPO Module
StartHPO Must Watch (5:54)
StartBONUS: Live from Wembley Arena: Big picture video on speed product creation and test marketing
StartProcess 1: Idea Finding -- This is how you get your 12 product or intro offer ideas (24:44)
StartBONUS: HPO Q & A Live Call (55:46)
StartAdditional Help On How to Get Creative, Innovative Ideas (14:57)
StartAdditional Help On Finding Your 12 Product Ideas
StartProcess 2: The 12 product survey: This is how you choose between your 12 product ideas (14:04)
StartProcess 3: Average Order Increase Process (12:13)
StartProcess 4: Sale Setup Process (15:58)
StartProcess 5: Fast Research Process -- How to Research and Outline Your Intro Product From Scratch (60:26)
StartProcess 6: Easy Software Process: You can use a simple software program as an intro offer using this process (13:02)
StartProcess 7: 3 Hour Products in which you create an intro product in as few as 3 hours (15:37)
StartProcess 8: Price Point Process -- Advanced Method (18:47)
StartBONUS: Tech of Info Products | Recording | Members Areas: Covering the tech you need to get your intro offer up and selling (33:30)
StartSpeed Product Creation and Outsourcing: Extra help on creating intro offers and products fast (34:14)
StartBONUS: Publishing and Promoting Kindle Books: If you write 500 words a day in 15 to 20 days, you have a nice Kindle book DONE! (6:37)
StartBONUS: Value Equation 1 Critical video that shows you how to create a Value Equation for your intro offer to give y ou a sales edge from the start (23:32)
StartBONUS: Value Equation Part 2 -- My Million Dollar Method -- Post Your Value Equation In The FB Group (24:13)
StartBONUS: Q & Call covering the offer, psychology of the sale (40:40)
StartADVANCED BONUS: 3 "Must Have" Buckets of Product Creation: Supplemental information on 3 timelines of Product Creation (16:09)
StartBONUS: 7-Step Troubleshooting Process If You Don't Have 12 Intro Product or Offer Ideas
StartBONUS: The 48 hour $12,923.79 Quickie Front End (18:02)
StartEnd of Module Survey for Hot Product Opportunity -- Please respond